Back to Normal
To successfully navigate the delicate and ever-changing world around us these days requires marketing partners who can adapt and act with cat-like reflexes.
To successfully navigate the delicate and ever-changing world around us these days requires marketing partners who can adapt and act with cat-like reflexes.
2020 has truly been a year of paralyzing uncertainty, fear and panic for both brands and consumers alike. However, despite the desperate times, many companies and consumers managed to show their true colors, by proving we’re all in it together and acting accordingly.
Will this Labor Day weekend be Labor Day weekend or just a rerun of Groundhog Day? If we don’t take some action we might just end up waking up to the same day we’ve been living for the last 6-months. Or can we break free? At Unbound we’re putting out a call to arms to take back this long-weekend.
The growth of E- and M-Commerce was already changing the game, but thanks to CV-19, what were once trends are now proving essential. From contactless payment and online ordering to delivery and streaming events, figuring out how to keep on keeping-on via the world wide web may determine the fate of many a brand.
Despite optimistic visions of life returning to normal, we stare at the school year with confusion and unanswered questions. As schools struggle to determine a clear path forward, parents look to prepare accordingly with their back to school purchases.
With home furnishing browsing up by over 200% online and sales down by 35%, there’s a big opportunity for furniture brands to seize the moment and up their game. Brands that can pinpoint who their most valuable customers are and what floats their boats aesthetically are poised for huge results.
Despite the blow the suffering retail environment has been dealt, the post CV-19 world holds opportunities for success. From consumers’ increased desire to support local business to new practices and habits around online ordering and local pickup, retailers may find a path to a new chapter of retail.
The comfort and companionship pets have given their owners during the tumultuous CV-19 pandemic has elevated a bond and appreciation to unprecedented heights. For brands looking to get back on track, there’s a huge opportunity for those who can deliver premium ingredients, service and knowledge.
From exploding new Netflix subscribers to colossal increases in viewing hours, it’s clear streaming has reached mass penetration. Even as stay-at-home restrictions ease, viewing hours remain at record highs, presenting marketers the chance to target and communicate in game-changing ways.
As much as things change, many things stay the same. The key is understanding the whats and whys. Now is the time for businesses to examine their long-standing customer data and the predictions that can be derived from it. Then we can begin to unearth changes in purchase habits and the opportunities they hold.