
Work-Life Balance

Walking the work-life tightrope

Work-life balance is a precious acknowledgment and benefit Unbound has always sought to bring its team members. The pandemic has pressure tested (to the outer limits) what a work-life balance could look like for Unbound as well as companies everywhere. As the home curtain pulled back, we were all introduced to kids walking into zoom calls, the unexpected doorbell answer and my snoring dog. The once defined line between work and home became blurred, to put it mildly, and as a result, we have all become more aware of our team’s wellbeing far beyond daily job performance.

As vaccinations continue to roll out across the country, companies are assessing what returning to the office might look like. So, as we begin to slip out of our sweatpants and get ready to head back to the office, there are some key learnings we all may want to look at.

For starters, working remotely has amplified looking at outcomes-based performance. We’ve always been an organization that’s allowed our team the flexibility to work where and when they need to get the work done. The pandemic has encouraged us to allow team members even greater flexibility, while still meeting deadlines and continuing to push our clients’ businesses forward.

Drumroll please… so we don’t see a return to a normal 9-5 workday – in the office 5 days a week. In fact, we’ve known for a while that many of us operate at different peak performance hours – some in the warm glow of the midnight oil, while others hitting their stride mid-morning after their second cup of caffeine. Regardless of whether we’re in the office or remote, we will ensure there is time for collaboration, but when it comes to completing the work, we’ve identified there may be very different times and places for everyone to get the job done.

For years, we’ve worked in large part with an arsenal of freelance creative strategists and developers. In order to take advantage of the talent the Gig Economy offers and find the best people for the project, we’ve often looked beyond our walls, into other markets, time zones and working hours. With this part of our DNA, we’ve recognized the importance of giving people the flexibility and space they want to work the way they want to, and no surprise the work is almost always better.

And we’re not alone. In a recent survey, 80% of organizations see no negative impact in providing their employees flexible work situations. Of the flexible working options on the table, most are leaning toward a 3:2 work week – though there is debate on what works best – 3 days in the office and 2 days at home or reversed. Either way, organizations recognize at least some time still needs to be protected for meeting in-person to foster proper collaboration, training and much-needed company culture.

While still working through our specific return to work plans, our goal will remain to constantly improve the service we provide our clients, while looking at ways to enhance our team’s quality of life and work-life balance.

If you’re looking for an outside perspective on how to structure your team and enhance their productivity and collaboration, let’s set up a mini work session to help you determine a plan. We have over 100 years of collective experience working with clients, uncovering business challenges that are holding them back – from success well within their grasp. We’re here and happy to help.

Give us a call at 816.589.3333, and let’s schedule 30 minutes to discuss where we can help.

Sources: COVID-19 Employer Study, The University of Sydney, Ad Age, DigiDay, Forbes